For more general support: FABs Fund (filling in the gaps)

What is the Sports Fund?

The Sports fund is a new initiative started by Des Sacco (Baines, 1958) to assist any deserving boy attending Michaelhouse with sports-related extras that they would otherwise not be able to afford. Things which allow them to maximize their sporting potential during their years at the school.

In essence, the Sports Fund ‘fills in the gaps’.

There are boys at Michaelhouse who despite being on financial aid and/or scholarships are still not able to afford what can be expensive sports equipment our go on tours. Things like a tennis racket, rugby boots, domestic tours, etc.

There are also those boys in between who may not necessarily come from disadvantaged backgrounds, but whose parents do not have the funds to give their son opportunities such as going on a once in a lifetime sports tour. Where they are deserving, we feel that boys in these categories of need should not be forgotten.

With the Rector being able to draw on the Sports Fund as he sees fit, he can solve these problems quickly and with discretion so the boys in need can get on with making the most of the wonderful sporting opportunities afforded to them.

How can you help grow the Sports Fund?

The best way is to simply donate to the fund.

To give you an idea of the sorts of things we provide and their costs:

One off donations are well received and you can be assured that your generosity will reach the boys that need it and those that will benefit the most. However, this is an ongoing need and so if you are able to, we would be so grateful if you could make a recurring donation. You will be enabling enduring support for our boys whose time at Michaelhouse is fundamentally improved by these small acts of kindness.

Remember if you are a South African taxpayer, all donations are tax deductible. We will send you a Section 18a following receipt of your donation and confirmation of your details.

If you are a US taxpayer and you would like to benefit from IRS tax relief, follow the link below:

How to Give in the US