Contact us

To discuss any aspect of giving

<aside> 📨 email Frances Fleming Bolttler, Head of Development at: [email protected]


<aside> ☎️ call us on: +27 (0) 33 234 1001



Since 1896 Michaelhouse's legacy is one of developing the individuality and full potential of the boys entrusted to its care. Michaelhouse has flourished over the years because Old Boys, Parents, Past Parents and friends have given so generously, for so long, to meet its needs. Gifts have made possible the bursaries that support boys of promise. Gifts have enabled the facilities to be expanded to meet the changing needs of new generations of boys at Michaelhouse.

We are indebted to every single one of our benefactors for their kindness and generosity, at every level.

We all have dreams. Michaelhouse is no exception. We dream of being able to offer the benefits of a Michaelhouse education to others, of expanding the facilities in the future in order to remain relevant for the next generation of boys at the school, and of maintaining our standards of excellence.

You could help Michaelhouse fulfil these dreams…

Our Big thinking!

The Generational Plan | 2046 lay out our thinking for next 20+ years. Watch the video and read all about it below 👇

Michaelhouse Generational Plan | 2046

Our Causes

Follow the link below for information on our causes:

Our Causes

How can I give?

There are many ways you can help: